This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is collected, used, and shared when you visit or make a purchase from

Personal Information We Collect

Every time you access our website, we actively gather specific details related to your device. This encompasses particulars such as the type of web browser you’re using, your IP address, the time zone you’re in, and any cookies that might have been previously stored on your device. Furthermore, as you navigate and explore our website, we also monitor and collect data on the specific pages or products you engage with, any external websites or search queries that directed you to our platform, and a comprehensive analysis of your overall interaction with our website. For clarity and reference, we categorize all this collected data under the term “Device Information”.

Gathering of Your Personal Data

Every time you access our website, we proactively collect specific details about your device. This encompasses particulars such as the type of web browser you’re using, your IP address, the time zone you’re in, and any cookies that might have been previously stored on your device. As you explore our website, we also monitor and collect data on the specific pages you engage with, any external websites or search queries that directed you to our platform, and a comprehensive analysis of your overall interaction with our website. This data is categorized as “Device Details.”

Technologies Employed for Data Collection:

When you initiate or complete a purchase on our site, we gather comprehensive data from you. This includes your full name, both billing and shipping addresses, payment details (which cover credit card numbers and other payment methods like Paypal), your email address, and contact number. We label this data as “Order Details.”

In this policy document, the term “Personal Details” refers to both Device Details and Order Details.

Utilization of Your Data:

We primarily use the Order Details to process and manage purchases made on the site. This includes handling your payment details, coordinating shipping logistics, and generating invoices or order confirmations. Beyond transactional purposes, we use Order Details to communicate with you, screen orders for potential risks, detect fraudulent activities, and, based on your preferences, send you relevant information or promotional content related to our products or services.

Device Details are invaluable to us. They help in risk assessment, especially screening for potential fraudulent activities. On a broader scale, they assist in enhancing our website’s user experience. This is achieved by analyzing how our users interact with the site, generating user behavior analytics, and measuring the effectiveness of our marketing and promotional campaigns.

For promotional purposes, we employ advertising and retargeting tools, notably through platforms like Facebook and Google Ad Services.

Sharing and Disclosure of Your Data:

Your Personal Details are precious, and we handle them with utmost care. We collaborate with trusted third parties to utilize your Personal Details effectively. Additionally, to get insights into user behavior, we integrate Google Analytics. For a detailed understanding of how Google manages user data, visit Google’s Privacy Page. If you wish, you can choose to opt-out of Google Analytics here.

In certain scenarios, we might share your Personal Details to adhere to legal obligations, respond to lawful information requests, or safeguard our proprietary rights.

Behavioral and Targeted Advertising:

Leveraging your Personal Details, we aim to show you advertisements that are tailored to your interests and preferences. If you’re keen on understanding the mechanics of targeted advertising, the Network Advertising Initiative’s (NAI) page offers valuable insights.

If you wish to opt-out of targeted advertising, you can do so through the following links:

Do Not Track Signals:

We respect user preferences. However, it’s essential to note that our site’s data collection and usage practices remain consistent, irrespective of any Do Not Track signals from your browser.

Your Data Rights and Choices:

If you’re a resident of Europe, you have specific rights concerning your data. You can access, modify, or request deletion of your data. If you wish to exercise these rights, please reach out to us. It’s also crucial to understand that we process your data either to honor our contractual obligations with you or to pursue our legitimate business interests. It’s worth noting that data processing might involve transferring your data outside Europe, including regions like Canada and the US.

Data Retention Policy:

Post making a purchase on our site, we retain your Order Details for our records. This retention is indefinite unless you explicitly request us to erase this data.

Children’s Data Protection:

Our platform is designed for a general audience and is not intended for individuals below the age of 13. We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. If we become aware of any data collection from a child under 13 without parental consent, we take immediate steps to delete such data.

Policy Amendments:

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so are our practices. We might periodically update this privacy policy to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Rest assured, any significant changes will be communicated to our users.

Connect with Us:

For any queries, feedback, or concerns about our privacy practices, feel free to email us at [email protected] or reach out through the contact details provided.

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